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Psychic Tip for the Week: Dead Relatives Aren’t Always Wise

I haven’t written in so long in here! I’m a little rusty. Last thing I wrote was a long-winded thesis paper for Graduate School. I’ve given the site a little pick-me-up and upgrade to match the new energy. I hope you like it. Each week or so I would love to share a little tip I learned along the intuitive way. The past few years living through Covid World I had to rely on my intuitive abilities to the max, like most of us. My family went through a major mental health crisis that I needed to feel my support and spiritual grounding underneath me. One of the biggest lessons I learned is which voices to trust.

Years and years ago I approached my therapist and worried about what many psychic folks worry about when they are coming into their abilities, Was I going crazy? Was I struggling with a mental illness? Did I just eat too many Twinkies and Kool-Aid in the sixties growing up and now it was hitting my mental capacities? She reassured me that I probably did eat way too many Twinkies but I was going to be just fine mentally and I was different than most. I could hear and see spirits. Oddly enough, I worried about the same thing when I went to the eye doctor a few years ago after I was seeing things, this time, new things. She checked out my eyes, gave a thorough exam and then told me some special people have the ability to see. Fast forward to years later, the present, and I have learned from many experiences and many clients later with much validation of details I would have not known otherwise, I have accepted my ability that I’ve had since I was very young. Along side that ability I needed to learn Discernment.

Just because you can hear/see/pick up messages, doesn’t mean what you are hearing is the gospel. Through the tough times in the last few years I had many spirits coming to visit. Some helpful, some intrusive. And here’s some things I learned to share:

  • If it sounds OFF, it usually is. I had an odd rash and I heard a spirit come in that said it was Purpora. At least that is what I thought it sounded like! After googling like crazy, turns out that wasn’t it at all and put me in a tailspin for several days. A trip to the dermatologist confirmed I was going to live and didn’t have that disease. So…
  • If the message puts you in FEAR, it is definitely not guidance. It could be a passing by Spirit you picked up at the metaphysical store and went home with you, or a well-meaning dead Grandma who didn’t always give you good advice. Which leads me to…
  • Just because your relative is dead and you loved them, does not mean they are all-knowing and have great advice for you. This is a big one! Spirits have the same personalities as when they were alive, and yes, they do progress and learn like we do, but they will often give the kind of advice they would give before death. I would often take my dead relative’s advice as THE TRUTH and thought they knew all the goings-on in my life, seen from a Higher perspective, but they are not that tapped in as I would think. It’s probably a better idea to tap into or talk to your Higher Self (your soul) or Guardian Angels who have the big picture of your situation.
  • Trust your gut. You know what is best for you. I had many readings from fellow intuitives that were very, very off. (Some were very spot-on, I don’t want to disregard those and those are the ones I will go to for extra help.) A reader/intuitive can often read the situation you are in and the surface or even what is happening right there in the moment. For instance, if I was having a bad day and in that moment felt like everyone is out to get me because everything isn’t going right, a reader could pick up on my energy and say, “That woman is very paranoid and negative.” Well, yeah, that day most definitely! See what I mean? You need what is the core or truth of situations on the whole.
  • And be aware of a reader that only reads your Fear. It’s very possible to read you and your emotions, if it’s very strong emotions. Those strong emotions can block out other guidance and create a false reading that has you running around in circles crazy! When I was in crisis, I had a reader tell me someone in my family was going to get pregnant very soon. Dear goodness! Well it wasn’t me, my boat had sailed, if you know what I mean. But my beautiful step-daughter was big time in love with her boyfriend and I was terrified it was her, and it probably dominated my thoughts in that moment.

Remember your discernment and know where the messages are coming from and always check in with your own knowing, your own gut. Have a wonderful weekend.

If you need an animal reading or help for your sensitivity, check out my Readings page. Until next time,
