being sensitive

Empaths: Be Conscious What You Take In


I’m mad at my english muffins…

I’ve been eating Thomas English Muffins (sourdough) all week long. I remember they used to be real crunchy and the butter would sit in the little crannies. They taste more chewy. On further investigation, I noticed a few new ingredients on the package including: autolyzed protein. Crap, this is MSG. Guess what? I get headaches from MSG which would explain the throbbing I’ve had all week long. A little can get by, but a whole week of it, not so much. I found a cool website that explains ingredients which helps. I’m pissed at Thomas. Why did you put something nasty into a food I trusted?

I need to be more aware

I’m now looking at what I take in, on every level.

This morning I checked my email and settled in to peruse a little Facebook and this is what went in:

  • Two teenage football players arrested for raping a girl who was unconscious at a party. That’s awful. 
  • A photo of a dog, hair matted with dirt, and half his body in a large garbage bag. He was found on the highway stuffed into this bag. I feel sick and I didn’t even have breakfast. My heart is breaking looking at that poor baby. I’m beginning to hate people.
  • Several people died today according to the folks left behind on Facebook, including a beloved cat. So much sadness.
  • The upcoming trailer for an Amityville Horror movie and The Springbreakers which looks like pure darkness. The sweet little girls from all those singing high school movies and Nickelodeon are running around in bikinis having wild sex, robbing banks, and disillusioning young girls under thirteen everywhere. Great career moves, girls!

I feel dark now, and it registers as crankiness, anger, and a hopelessness. If I had wanted to take in garbage I would have eaten at McDonald’s down the street. This is not my stuff! 

This stuff was in my feed, on the Yahoo page, everywhere. I wish I wasn’t so affected by all of it and it could just bounce off of me, but as a sensitive, I don’t have this luxury. It’s now my responsibility to monitor what I feed myself with. All that stuff can entertain others, but not for me.

To counteract that junk, I’m going to watch some episodes of the Jimmy Fallon show and laugh, and then go fill up with Nature.


From the EMPATH SKILLS class